Show "New post" or "Create space" button in the top menu

Show "New post" or "Create space" button in the top menu

UX improvements on Subsocial:

  1. Show "Create Space" in top menu if a user has no spaces yet.
  2. Show "New Post" in top menu if a user has spaces.
    1. Redirect to "New Post" page if a user has only 1 space.
    2. Open "Space Selector" modal if a user has many spaces.
April 2024 In Review

Yung Beef 4.2

March's Grill Improvements

March's Grill Improvements

We’ve been cooking up some nice updates to Grill to improve functionality, quality of life, and ease of use. Here are the most recent four: Embeds

Yung Beef 4.2

A Unified Forum & Governance Portal

A Unified Forum & Governance Portal

There is currently a disconnect between where a large amount of the discussion around Polkadot’s direction takes place, and where we actually decide P

Yung Beef 4.2

Grill.chat In Web2: A Case Study On ITC.ua

Grill.chat In Web2: A Case Study On ITC.ua

Within the industry, there is always talk about how to onboard a billion users, and whether Web3 products actually matter to anyone outside of Web3. W

Yung Beef 4.2